ABC – Attitude
Asking better questions for better results. Learning by doing. Empowering through journeys and experiences.
This week we’re taking a close look at ATTITUDE.
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DB / ABC of LIFE – A – your thoughts on ADVENTURE and ATTITUDE.
“Attitude (over ability) – the mindset you go in to a run or hike or challenge or day out with matters way more than how objectively good you are. The trail doesn’t care about your marathon PB. But it does care how you treat it, the way you step carefully, the way you stop and say hi to the wildlife or pause to pick juicy berries. And years from now, you won’t care about your marathon PB either, but you will care about the runs where you learned something new, where you laughed with your friends or where you found solace from that thing that you might not talk about but that weighs heavy. Not every day out will be fast or easy. But they can still be a good day.”
~ LEAH @poet_on_the_run
“Attitude… means commitment, a lifestyle truly. Be kind, to yourself, others and the World you run in everyday. A mindset. Not every run is great but I think you need to believe in yourself and in the power of going out there and get what you have worked for. Overwhelming days are half empty glasses, but a good run can turn that easily… especially when it’s done with a friendly group of running buddies.”
~ FRANCI @francincbeactive
“When I was a kid, I heard I was “a girl with an attitude” a lot. But that was not something good, most of the times. They were people telling me off for speaking up what I think, defying authorities and being, you know… “difficult”. It always made me mad. So, I love embracing this about myself and flipping it to something positive. I am sooo aware that I wouldn’t be what I am and achieve what I have achieved if I had stayed quiet, replacing my Attitude with another “A” world, acceptance. Attitude is what it takes for us to take charge of our own selves and (another A word) ACT. Attitude is the start of movement. It is personality, it is what makes us stay (another one!) Active. Attitude is what made me persist on long distance running despite a chronic condition and a dodgy ankle. If I hadn’t had the attitude, I would settle for everyone who said I should not do this. Guess what? Here I am, with my attitude, disagreeing again and refusing to settle.”
~ GABI @stripolias
“Attitude is… being fully immersed in the outdoors, forgetting about time, pace or distance records and focus on finding a better rhythm in life.
Attitude is… doing what’s right for you. Knowing when to back off. When to push on. Taking full responsibility for your choices and outcomes. There is no one else to blame and no one else to follow but yourself. Your life, your rules, your rewards. If things don’t go to plan, keep thinking, keep moving. Come up with an alternative solution. Failing is when you stop trying. When you are stuck: get unstuck. Change your thinking. Change your attitude. Change your perspective. Ask for help. Be kind. Everyone is fighting their own battles and reaching out will open more doors than you can ever imagine.
Attitude is… everything.
A flexible mindset will get you a long way. No matter the obstacles or detours, you’ll find a way if you trust yourself and trust the process. Dream with your feet moving. And sometimes just suck it up buttercup!”
~ CLAUDI @claudi8s
“There are many things in life we can’t change – whether the train turns up on time or if there’s a long queue when you’re in a rush – but we can change our attitude to situations we find ourselves in.
For me, the key is to try and adopt an attitude of gratitude. To remember to be grateful for things I take for granted, like my friends and what they teach me, the view from my window, the kindness of strangers, the unexpected smile in the coffee shop and the time others give up, freely, week after week to lead and inspire my running. These are just a few examples of things I’m grateful for today. Even looking at a piece or work, which didn’t work out the way I intended, and taking the learning from the failure, rather than beating myself up about it, is a shift in attitude. Like most things, it requires practice, but it’s worth it.”
~ CATHY @cathywood01
“My biggest slither of learning in recent years is that my attitude is not fixed. It moves around, a bit like the contents of a lava lamp. I am always questioning my attitude heading towards a race, and often trying to rewrite the script. I try and catch myself saying or thinking, I always do this or think that. Where does that attitude come from?”
~ DEREK @tsurumaki2
What are your thoughts on ATTITUDE? Share them here DB / ABC of LIFE – A